
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
IC 3-51/55

Universitätsstraße 150
44801 Bochum

Kontakt | Sekretariat

Ulrike Harnickell
Gebäude IC 3 Raum 51/55
+49 (0) 234 32-26685

The Chair of Solids Process Engineering

The Chair of Solids Process Engineering was founded in 2008 and emerged from the Junior Professorship of Particle Technology and Particle Design. We conduct research in the field of high-pressure process engineering on more than 500 m2 of laboratory space.

The courses offered by the chair include lectures on topics ranging from mechanical process engineering, apparatus engineering and computer applications in process development to the fundamentals of rheology. In addition to teaching basic skills in the subjects mentioned, it is important to us that students learn a reflective approach to the relevant basic operations from accompanying exercises, specialist laboratories and virtual laboratories and develop an enthusiasm for the creative possibilities of process engineering. The focus of our training is always on optimal preparation for an industrial or scientific career.

By participating in major projects to improve engineering education and exchanging ideas with other disciplines, e.g. from the field of university didactics, we create the basis for the continuous further development of our courses and teaching formats.

The courses offered by the chair are:

Bachelor’s degree programs:

  • Heat and Mass Transport (Kilzer)
  • Heat and Mass Transport at VGU (Kilzer)
  • Mechanical Process Engineering (Petermann)
  • Apparatus Engineering (Petermann, Pollak)
  • Apparatus Engineering at VGU (Petermann, Pollak)
  • Technology-Dialog Society (Berbuir)
  • Transforamtion-Sustainability-Ethics (Berbuir)

Master programs:

  • Processes in Mechanical Process Engineering (Petermann)
  • Air quality (Pollak, Kilzer)
  • Computer applications in process development (Petermann, Grevé)
  • Process engineering laboratory (Coord. Pollak)